The Obsession

Amittras6 ChaptersFeb 28, 2022

Obsessive, introspective, factually ignorant, he wanders the streets of his life, only kept in check by his best friend.


Soham, an otherwise level headed guy, is on a wild sheep chase to find out the truth. After being repeatedly told how what he’s doing is practically banging his head on a brick wall, but his inner belief system cannot let him drop the pursuit. Obsessive, introspective, factually ignorant, he wanders the streets of his life, only kept in check by his best friend.

And yet, being as stubborn as he is, can he really justify chasing something this awkward? Is he capable enough to control or contain the damage his actions might cause? Or would it have been better if he could let go without the trouble of going all the way….

Find out in The Obsession.


Comments on The Obsession


Mar 06, 2022, 04:03 AM


Binge read all the 6 parts together. Its always intriguing how much an author allows his own experiences to seem in a tale of apparent fiction. Anyway, beautifully written, I could feel the gloom and Torment of the character! Kudos!

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